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Tag Archives: Federal Bureau of Investigation

Tor users – IP address can be identified with routers

Tor users - IP address can be found with routers

Tor users, those of us who value our anonymity on the internet, should pay attention, because it seems Tor is not so safe and secure yet. According to recent findings, Tor users’ IP addresses can still be pulled by people exploiting our routers. Tor has been having issues with its anonymity features recently, after Silk Toad 2.0. Cloud 9, Hydra, ...

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FBI director upset at encryption offered by Apple and Google


Security and privacy has been one of the main concerns of many smartphone, tablet, smartwatch and other mobile or wearable device users. Apple has responded to these concerns by offering encryption on all of its devices, and Google has done the same, announcing the feature on the upcoming Android 5.0 L version too. It seems that the FBI isn’t as ...

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Facial recognition technology implemented by the FBI

The FBI, or the Federal Bureau of Investigation, has been investing in facial recognition technology for some time now, and it seems as though they’ve implemented a new technology to catch the bad guys. The main idea behind facial recognition technology is to replace the fingerprint system and allow culprits to be identified through a facial recognition software from afar. ...

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