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Tag Archives: encryption

iPhone is the terrorist phone according to government


The iPhone and the iOS ecosystem in general has been accused countless times of being favorable to malicious actors such as terrorist by the U.S. government and the FBI in particular. There have been many accusations against the iPhone and against Tim Cook saying that the encryption that Apple uses in its smartphones is a tool for terrorist to communicate ...

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FBI director upset at encryption offered by Apple and Google


Security and privacy has been one of the main concerns of many smartphone, tablet, smartwatch and other mobile or wearable device users. Apple has responded to these concerns by offering encryption on all of its devices, and Google has done the same, announcing the feature on the upcoming Android 5.0 L version too. It seems that the FBI isn’t as ...

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Blackphone, the private smartphone, begins shipping to customers

The Blackphone has officially launched and is now shipping to customers who had pre-ordered the device. The privacy-focused smartphone is aimed at those who are looking to keep their personal information secure. It not only closes back doors on traditional operating systems that would usually allow others to access your information but also encrypts phone calls and other communications. First ...

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