No Man’s Sky was a game that left a lot of people disappointed. Hello Games made a lot of promises in regards to what the game would allow players to do. They were massive and impressive, and could have potentially shattered the expectations of space exploration games. However, a large amount of what was promised never made it into the game itself. Needless to say, many fans were disappointed with the end product, and with Hello Games as a whole. However, it turns out that Hello Games is not done with No Man’s Sky. They have just announced the “Foundation Update”, an update that will be released later in the week.
The Foundation Update was revealed in one of the few announcements made about the game in months. In depth details about the patch have not been made available yet, although we do know the general purpose of it. The patch will focus mainly on base building. As the name of the update would suggest, this will act as a foundation for future material. Much like the fine details of the Foundation Update, it’s not clear what Hello Games will be adding after this. The only thing that is readily evident is that they are far from done with No Man’s Sky.
Hello Games did not ignore the backlash that No Man’s Sky received. In their announcement, they remarked that the conversations surrounding the game had been “intense and dramatic.” They have ensured the public that they are listening to the feedback being presented to them and are working hard to improve the game. They commented that it was a game that they loved and that it had a long journey ahead of us. While the game does indeed have its fans, Hello Games have a lot of ground to recover. We’ll have to wait and see if they can win over the ones who were disappointed with the initial version of the game. The Foundation Update is a start, but they have a daunting task ahead of them.