If you happened to overlook it, the widely acclaimed manga and anime series Demon Slayer is set to receive its own video game this April on the Nintendo Switch, reminiscent of the beloved Mario Party style. The game features Tanjiro, Nezuko, and the other members of the Demon Slayer Corps as they navigate through various themed boards and engage in a variety of exciting minigames.
Sega has just dropped a brand new overview trailer for Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba: Sweep the Board! Get ready to dive into the action-packed world of this highly anticipated game. Feel free to give it a look above. If you enjoy games similar to Mario Party, this could provide a great deal of enjoyment for a group of up to four friends.
The iconic landmarks from the anime Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, such as Mount Fujikasane and Asakusa, will appear as boards! Roll the dice to advance through the squares! The board has a daytime and nighttime period. During the day, you will play events and mini-games to prepare for the night, where you will be searching for demons to defeat – aim to become a great Demon Slayer swordsman!TAKE CONTROL OF THE ICONIC CHARACTERS!
Players can choose from their favorite characters including Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and the nine Hashira! Nezuko, who cannot be active during the day, appears as a support character to help the players throughout the game!FIGHT DEMONS BY WAVING THE JOY-CON™!
In mini-games where you fight demons such as the Hand Demon, you will be able to swing the Joy-Con™ like the Nichirin Sword to attack!
Become a Demon Slayer swordsman and challenge powerful demons!