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Hideki Kamiya Launches YouTube Channel, Reveals Plans

Hideki Kamiya left PlatinumGames and started his own YouTube channel, ‘Hideki Kamiya Channel’

The debut video features Kamiya’s trademark humour as he discusses his departure as PlatinumGames’ Vice President and his future plans.

However, Kamiya appears to be in no hurry to return to work, so don’t get your hopes up. His video upload states that he left PlatinumGames three months ago and has spent most of his time watching Netflix, YouTube, and Disney+. “I can’t work for the same industry for a year,” he says. For reasons. It will be a while before I can share good news”.

Based on a large portion of the video, Kamiya will likely cook at home more often. Fair enough?

Kamiya’s reasons for leaving PlatinumGames are unclear:

“Why did I quit? You can bleep out, right? How should I put it… Hmm… How can I put it… Umm… There’s no way I can put it! You guys understand, right? But… I’d say, I left the company because I wanted to follow my beliefs as a game creator and to choose the path I think is right and move on. Yeah, so I’m not going to retire yet. I want to keep creating games.”

We can only speculate, but Kamiya may have clashed with his colleagues over creative differences and decided to go solo. No matter where he goes, we’re excited to see his future creations. In the kitchen and game studio.

About Jacob Chambers

Old-school gamer with a cheeky tongue that gets me in trouble. When I'm not playing games, I'm writing about them, preferably in the vicinity of a fridge! Oh, and if you're a Justin Bieber fan, I'm afraid we can't be friends!

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