Home » NEWS » The developer of Halo Infinite Forge explains why the mode is online-only

The developer of Halo Infinite Forge explains why the mode is online-only

A critical problem with the idle boot timeout in Forge mode has also been fixed by 343 Industries.

What you must understand

  • Halo Infinite’s Forge differs from earlier versions of the map-creation program in that it needs an internet connection to the game’s servers in order to function. This implies that whenever there are issues with the servers or their connection to them, players will also encounter difficulties.
  • Michael Schorr, the lead designer for the forge at 343 Industries, explains that the online requirement is essential for security because Halo Infinite is accessible on PC. It also expedites the baking of maps and enables play to continue even if the session’s host disconnects.
  • Since there is an autosave feature for crashes, the developers have advised Forgers to frequently save their work to prevent losing it in the event of unexpected server or internet outages. The idle boot timer for the mode has also been increased to 12 hours.

With the release of the substantial Winter Update for Halo Infinite, the Forge mode has finally arrived, and players are already using the map editing and creation tool to create a wide range of amazing maps, modes, and prefab structures. It is not possible to work on or save projects offline in Halo Infinite’s Forge, however, as it necessitates an internet connection to the game’s servers. Many players have questioned the developers about this restriction after learning of it, voicing concerns that server or internet connection problems might result in the loss of progress.

In response, Halo Infinite’s Forge mode is only available online, as explained by Forge Lead Designer Michael Schorr in a recent Twitter post. Here are the explanations for the connection requirement, which you can read in full in the embedded Tweet below:

  • Due to the fact that Halo Infinite is a PC game, 343 Industries must have a server connection active to prevent players from altering Forge files before submitting them to the Content Browser.
  • Utilizing devoted servers expedites the map baking process for lighting, navmeshes, audio, and other elements.
  • The use of servers will enable Forge sessions to continue running even if the originating host disconnects for whatever reason after Forge’s join-in-progress feature has been repaired.

In addition, the studio increased Forge’s idle startup duration to make disconnects due to inactivity considerably less common and recommended players to save their projects frequently to prevent progress loss. “If you’re forging, keep “ABS” in mind. Always be frugal “John Junyszek, a senior community manager, wrote. “However, we’ve increased the idle session period to 12 hours in case you have to leave without warning. We hope that was helpful.”

In addition, the studio increased Forge’s idle startup duration to make disconnects due to inactivity considerably less common and recommended players to save their projects frequently to prevent progress loss. “If you’re forging, keep “ABS” in mind. Always be frugal “John Junyszek, a senior community manager, wrote. “However, we’ve increased the idle session period to 12 hours in case you have to leave without warning. We hope that was helpful.”

In addition, Junyszek verified that an autosave feature is present and is intended to activate anytime a game crash happens. Although it occasionally malfunctions and bugs out, the developers are working on a fix to make it more stable.

The reasons why a connection is necessary are very obvious, despite the fact that it is regrettable that Forging offline will no longer be available as it was in earlier games. Players shouldn’t have to worry too much about losing progress as long as they save frequently and are careful not to keep an active Forge session idle for longer than 12 hours.

Xbox One and PC gamers may now play Halo Infinite. For aficionados of arena-style FPS combat, it’s one of the best Xbox shooters available right now, and since the multiplayer is free-to-play, there is no entry barrier. The campaign is wonderful as well, with thrilling gameplay and a great narrative.



About Jacob Chambers

Old-school gamer with a cheeky tongue that gets me in trouble. When I'm not playing games, I'm writing about them, preferably in the vicinity of a fridge! Oh, and if you're a Justin Bieber fan, I'm afraid we can't be friends!

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