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Mobile Racing Games and Sports Games Market 2019

Few months ago some of the expert game analysts from the top gaming research companies look at the market to check what types of games are mainly generating revenues in the world gaming world. However, they only focused on Mobile Sports and Racing Games and examine how different types of games in this category are presently costing on the market.

Before going to get the exact data on the mobile gaming market, it is necessary to understand how mobile research companies are views the market in terms of game types and genres. Now, the first and foremost thing is that mobile gaming companies are not only surrounded by one or two types of games. They love to do experiments on different types of games including football, cricket, soccer, badminton, online poker in NJ and several other online games in which they think that people may show their interest and can take the chance of playing those games online,.  To classify the games in a meaningful way, the companies are taking several things into considerations including games features, defining machine, theme with three-layered taxonomy where every mobile game is assigned into Category, Genre and Subgenre.

Now, looking to the Category level, Sports and Racing category is smaller than the other categories as it generates only a bit over 5% of IAP revenues in the USA.

Mobile Sports and Racing Games Subgenres Rules in Different Market:

The biggest three markets of Sports and Racing games are the USA, Japan and China. So, let’s start with the market overviews in those countries.

According to recent research, the structure of data highlights that getting into high grossing positions with racing games is difficult in the USA. There are 13 licensed sports in total in the top 500 grossing in the USA. The trend is the same for Japan and China as well; even you could find fewer mobile racing games in the top 500 for Japan, only 12 licensed sports and 17 in China.

Only one Casual Racing game is in the top 500 in Japan (Mobile Bike race Games: Free Style Games).

Mobile Sports Games in China are the primary games with different real-life sport brand licenses and there are only a handful of Casual Sports games in the top 500.

New Mobile Sports Games:

Now, if you are looking for the top 10 performing Sports Games, it is quite interesting that you may find out few new entrants in the whole genre during the past year including Boxing Star and NBA 2 K Mobile Basketball. Boxing Star is Four Thirty Three’s reaction – based boxing game with the neat collection of meta that involves upgrading and acquiring your boxing gear. In the past, the sports lovers found that the boxing games were a hard sport to crack in the mobile space as they did not find any hit titles in the sport previously. But, today Boxing Star has taken the global market leader spot and already became so famous among the mobile game lovers that currently it is hovering around 200-250 in the top grossing iOS US.

Overall, we can say that whether it is mobile games for basketball, football or any other game throughout the world, game lovers always love to try and experience new games to enjoy their free time.

About Egon Kilin

I’m Load The Game’s co-founder and community manager, and whenever I’m not answering questions on social media platforms, I spend my time digging up the latest news and rumors and writing them up. That’s not to say I’m all work and no fun, not at all. If my spare time allows it, I like to engage in some good old fashioned online carnage. If it’s an MMO with swords and lots of PvP, I’m most likely in it. Oh, and if you’re looking to pick a fight in Tekken or Mortal Kombat, I’ll be more than happy to assist! Connect with me by email markjudge (@) only