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The Overwatch World Cup So Far

The Overwatch World Cup has been a joy to watch so far, from interesting comps to amazing plays I have enjoyed every second, well every second that didn’t have Australia competing anyway but were are not here to talk about that, (not yet anyway, that’s later) we are here to discuss the tournament so far, lets start with group A.

Group A has been a surprising turn out for me, here are the current stats for group A:

  • Sweden W=2 L=0
  • Brazil    W=0 L=2
  • Canada W=0 L=2
  • Spain     W=2 L=0

While I expected Sweden to do as well as they are doing, I did not however, expect to see Canada at 0 wins to 2 losses, for some reason they decided to run Surefour on tank as Zarya instead of DPS which is where Surefour is best, not only did they do this, they didn’t switch their team comp after they lost the first game, they continued to have Surefour as Zarya and they continued to lose

Spain was a surprise for me, I didn’t have much riding on Spain at the before the first match but that all changed once I watched the how well they played against Canada, they have great teamwork and communication and they co-ordinated very well, they look and play like a team thats been doing it for years. Whilst Spain has undeniable skill, I don’t think that it is enough to conquer Sweden, Sweden displayed remarkable teamwork against Canada and showed themselves as a force to be reckoned with. Today Sweden will be facing Spain and I think it will be one you don’t want to miss.

 Group B:

  • USA           W=2 L=0
  • Germany W=0 L=2
  • Chile         W=0 L=2
  • Russia      W=2 L=0

This went the way I expected it to regarding the USA, I think everyone expected it, the USA is sitting pretty at 2 wins to 0 losses with no-one really challenging them yet. Chile had a good background going into their match with USA, they had straight wins in their part of the world and looked to be a dark horse for the tournament, but the USA were to tough for Chile and defeated them without dropping a map.

Team USA have been playing amazingly well, not dropping a single map across both matches, they have the best synergy in my opinion and they demonstrate it perfectly. They have an incredible defence on maps like Hanamura with Seagull as Zarya and Gods as McCree, they have been unbeatable so far and, if they keep it up, they are very likely to take the whole tournament.

Russia has also done very well, again not dropping a map across both matches and really showing that, while the bigger names in eSports can bring the heat, they can too and they should not be under estimated, they are going against USA today and again it should be a great match.

Group C:

  • South Korea       W=2 L=0
  • Chinese Taipei   W=0 L=2
  • Australia              W=0 L=2
  • Finland                 W=2 L=0

South Korea are performing as everyone anticipated at a comfortable 2 wins to 0 losses, although in their last match Chinese Taipei did challenge them more than they expected and they very nearly captured both points in Temple of Anubis because South Korea let their guard down a little too much, but being South Korea they managed to get a crucial hold of the point just before the last tick and then took both points themselves.

Finland are really showing their worth so far with a win over Chinese Taipei which was not easily won, Chinese Taipei made them work for it but unfortunately lost in the end. Finland are looking to be a dangerous team and a match today with South Korea should tell us everything we need to know about Finland.

The real talk about group C though is Australia. I do not know why you would comprise a team with people who are entertainers rather than a team of people who are proven to be skilled at the game, now I am not saying that they are not good at the game, they are of course skilled players, but good is not good enough, they are playing against people that have years of competitive play experience and are no strangers to playing in front of an audience. Maybe if they were a little luckier with the draw and they didn’t have to face South Korea from the get go, they might have had more time to develop, maybe in the future.

Group D

  • China         W=2 L=0
  • Thailand   W=1 L=1
  • Singapore W=0 L=2
  • France        W=1 L=1

Group D is the only group to have some variation in the scores with two teams at 1 win and 1 loss, China is the definite favourite of the group being the only team so far to win every match, France has a hard job ahead of them as they have to defeat China to get that 2 wins 1 loss score that they will be aiming for, they will also be battling it out today. There are a lot of good matches heading our way today so make sure you catch it all.

About Charles Rafter

I am a gamer, I am also a writer and by now you can probably tell where I am going with this, that's right you guessed it, my favourite thing is eating.

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