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Mirror’s Edge Announcement Teased For E3

Mirror’s Edge holds a special place in the hearts of many gamers, and for good reason. It was one of the first games that created a truly unique first person experience, using the perspective and the graphical power of the time to put players in a beautiful dystopia, where you put combat aside and just freerun. Being an EA title, there wasn’t much follow up on the game’s success. However, at E3 last year, we saw the trailer for Mirror’s Edge 2. With only a small piece of what to expect for the game, we were left salivating for just a bit more information on its progress – the game’s mechanics, narrative, anything at all to satiate our thirst for more Mirror’s Edge.

Until today, we never got that. But on the eve of E3 2015, as an info-bomb for Mirror’s Edge 2 looms overhead, we get a snippet of information to keep us on the edge of our seats. EA recently trademarked “Mirror’s Edge Catalyst,” and this was quickly followed up on Mirror’s Edge’s official twitter with the definition of the word catalyst, along with some fancy font. What this means exactly, we can’t possibly know for sure. What we do know, so far, is that Mirror’s Edge 2 is still being made, we’ll know more at E3, and it’s got something to do with a “Catalyst.”

This could mean several things – it could be the title for Mirror’s Edge 2, sure, but something tells me that it’s more than that (It seems unlikely that they would announce the game’s title a year after announcing the game). It may be a Mirror’s Edge 2 spin-off game, or some sort of DLC – I wouldn’t put any of that past EA. Whatever it is, we’ll know for sure come this year’s E3.

When it comes right down to it, more Mirror’s Edge information is great – and the fact that they’ve made it a point to focus marketing efforts on the Mirror’s Edge franchise this year can only be good. Being one of the best franchises that they own – even having just one game – EA needs to realize the following it has, and start capitalizing on it. With the lackluster presentation they had during E3 2014, I wouldn’t even be disappointed if the whole conference was about Mirror’s Edge (although my fingers are still crossed for Dead Space and Mass Effect 4!)


[UPDATE] In an update on the official website, it was said that “This is not a sequel, this is not Mirror’s Edge 2.” It’s unclear whether they’re saying that Catalyst is something coming out alongside ME2 or if this is just them trying to market Catalyst as something totally evolved from the last game. Take from the PR speak what you will. The update is signed from the “Senior Producer of Mirror’s Edge Catalyst,” so we can at least assume it’s a game.

About Michael Cottuli

I'm a college student studying journalism, and when I'm not studying, I'm writing here at LTG. I love indies and AAA's alike - I'm just a lover of this medium in general.

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