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Google Street View to have underwater ocean views

Google Street View uses panoramic views to open the world to everyone with Internet access. For some it’s as simple as wanting to see a landmark at the turn they have to make when on Google Maps. For others, it is getting a glimpse of the town they are thinking of moving into on Google Earth. Possibilities have opened up with this technology, and now Google is adding even more to see.

In celebration with World Oceans Day taking place on Monday, June 8th, Google has added a number of ocean sights to their Street View via Maps. these are not just shots of outside beaches either. Real deep ocean life shots have been taken with panoramic views and have become available for the public to see. Because people would not normally go to look in the ocean on Google Maps, the company has given out a list of recommended areas for users to get a glimpse of the beautiful ocean life, as shared by Gizmodo. They are as follows:

  • Dive with giant ocean sunfish (Mola mola) and giant parrotfish off the coast of Bali.
  • Swim underwater alongside schools of giant travely in Mexico.
  • Do the backstroke with humpback whales in the Cook Islands.
  • See the breathtaking beauty of sea turtles in Timor-Leste.
  • Search the ruins of shipwrecks in Aruba.
  • In American Samoa, you can go for sunset walk along Ofu Airport Beach, or walk along Ofu beach, known as one of the most scenic beaches in the world.
  • In Chagos Islands, you can tour Ile du Sel, a tiny island vegetated with a thick forest of coconut palms, and explore the famed bird nesting habitat of Grande Ile Bois Mangue.

This movement, however, is not just in celebration, but to bring attention to how humans interact with the ocean world. Google has teamed up with NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries and others to make this happen and perhaps slow down the amount of overfishing that is going on in the oceans.

About Christopher Graf

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