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The Witcher 3 is the last we’ll see of Geralt, but we might see more Witcher games

When finding success with certain franchises, many major game developing and publishing companies decide to keep pushing out sequels, to the point that the original quality and uniqueness of the first titles in the series fade away. We’ve seen this happen countless times, with the latest installments in franchises such as Call of Duty or Assassin’s Creed being disappointments. CD Projekt Red however doesn’t seem to go down the same path with its Witcher series, despite it being the primary franchise of the Polish development team (at least until Cyberpunk 2077 sees the light of day).

In an interview with IGN, Jakub Szamalek, the senior writer behind the popular RPG series explained that all good stories must eventually come to an end. “You cannot extend them indefinitely, and we felt that Geralt has had such an amazing adventure, and his saga is already so long and complex that this seemed like a good point to think about an appropriate finale for the story.” he explained. While the company will put an end to Geralt’s epic saga with The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt and its upcoming two expansion packs, Jakub Szamalek explains that the Witcher universe is vast enough to host other stories, and thus, does not exclude the possibility of future titles absent the White Wolf. “So, we might return to it at some point…but we think that this is a good place to let Geralt enjoy his retirement and try something new.” he added.

This apparently hints to the focus of CDPR on its upcoming cyber-punk RPG bearing the same name, a project that has many gamers interested, but about which we sadly now little. Perhaps more will be revealed later this year at E3 2015. In any case, while we’re sad to see Geralt hang his swords, it’s also a good sign that some companies have the common sense to not milk their franchises to death. There’s little doubt The Witcher 3 will at least be a financial success, given how high the interest for the game is, so this decision is that much more commendable. Whether or not The Wild Hunt will also be a critically acclaimed title remains to be seen after the 19th of May, when Geralt of Rivia will grace us with his presence on PC, Xbox One and PS4.

About Jacob Chambers

Old-school gamer with a cheeky tongue that gets me in trouble. When I'm not playing games, I'm writing about them, preferably in the vicinity of a fridge! Oh, and if you're a Justin Bieber fan, I'm afraid we can't be friends!

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