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H1Z1 Release Date Announced
H1Z1 Release Date Announced

H1Z1 Early Access Date Announced

Not much news has been brought out about H1Z1 since earlier this year, but now we finally have an Early Access date! H1Z1 will be available in Early Access on January 15th, 2015! H1Z1 is that open world zombie game you’ve heard barely nothing about! With a release date though, you should be hearing a lot more about it. The game was somewhat pushed back earlier this year, when fans did not get the game on the original date it was set for. What’s interesting is how we got the date. While the company’s H1Z1 Twitter page has been talking about it, the actual announcement comes from their Reddit, which will be followed by a live Q&A on Twitch with H1Z1 Developers.


H1Z1 is a very interesting game that should do rather well. It is coming for the PS4 and PC. It should be interesting to see how well H1Z1 does overall, but we will not know until the game comes out. Not much has been said about H1Z1 for some time, but the early access release date does bring some hope of news. We should see a good amount of news here soon with the date. The announcement comes from Reddit and the Twitch live Q&A starts at 3:30 pm PST! Don’t miss out on them!


While the price of H1Z1 is still unknown, we know that the release will be January 15th, 2015 for Steam. I am unsure if this goes for the PS4 as well, but I am doubtful. H1Z1 should be available for preorder any day now! The release date is officially stated by H1Z1’s twitter account. The announcement came only a few short minutes ago and you can see it here:

Should be very interesting to see just what is said about H1Z1 upon its release in to Steam’s Early Access. It will also be interesting to know just when it will debut on PS4 as well!

About Christopher Mark Stahler

Christopher is a Contributor at Load The Game and a Community Manager for Project Extract. If he isn't writing about games or playing games, then he's more than likely thinking about, you guessed it, games. Christopher prefers RPGs over all, but isn't opposed to jumping in to just about anything.

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