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David Gaffe's New Game Will Be Action
David Gaffe's New Game Will Be Action

David Gaffe’s New Game Will Be Action

Today David Gaffe, the creator of Twisted Metal, has come out and clarified that his upcoming game will NOT be a horror game, instead it will be an action game. David Gaffe’s game will be announced at the PlayStation Experience this December 6th and 7th, where the game will be officially announced.

Some may not quite understand why David Gaffe’s next game was expected to be a horror game, this is due to two trailers released earlier this month, which showed the ‘interrogation’ of two of the developers over at David Gaffe’s new studio, Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency, the two videos created a lot of speculation as the video shows the developers being ‘interrogated’ by a spirit in the office, while the two also act somewhat fearful.

The video somewhat paints a picture of horror, but many fans will be disappointed as David Gaffe has clarified this on his Twitter, stating:


Where the real discovery comes from though, is David Gaffe’s LinkedIn profile where it states that the new game he is working on is “an action title set in a new IP/World.” Which is certainly a different experience than a horror game. Despite the videos though, David Gaffe’s career is somewhat built on action, so it should be interesting to see him go through that again. Even with the type of game though, the game’s announcement should be fairly interesting to say the least. We will have to wait for the PlayStation Experience here in less than two weeks to see exactly what David Gaffe is working on.

About Christopher Mark Stahler

Christopher is a Contributor at Load The Game and a Community Manager for Project Extract. If he isn't writing about games or playing games, then he's more than likely thinking about, you guessed it, games. Christopher prefers RPGs over all, but isn't opposed to jumping in to just about anything.

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