It sounds a bit like a joke when you first hear it, but we assure you that this is very real. A Swedish retailer that goes by the name of Webhallen is auctioning off a special PS4 “GayStation Edition” in order to celebrate the Stockholm Pride Festival. The console is just like a regular version on the inside, but on the outside it couldn’t be anymore different. The GayStation comes with a rainbow color scheme and features a pixelated heart to top it all off. Aside from this unique PS4, the winner of the auction will also receive 4 still to be announced games.
The auction includes a short description that tells us what Webhallen is all about: “To a lot of youths, gaming is a helping hand to escape from abuse, or worse in the real world. We at Webhallen are gamers in our hearts and souls, wanting everyone to be apart of the worlds fastest growing hobby, computer and video games.” 100% of the proceeds will go to a LGBTQ organization called RFSL Newcomers, “a network for LGBTQ refugees and LGBTQ migrants who have fled persecution based on sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.” So besides getting a completely fabulous PS4, the winner can also be certain that his or her money will go towards helping a worthy cause.
Now, as for the GayStation itself, the name is definitely fitting and kinda clever, but I suspect Xbox One owners will be getting a kick out of this for years to come. Design-wise, this unit looks absolutely brilliant and I will even go as far as to say that this is one of the best looking PS4 out there. Sure, not everyone is into rainbows, but at least it’s more original than the Frozen variant, or all the other uninspired ones. The auction is currently at 17100 Swedish Krona (about $1670) and will last until August 3rd.