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GTA Online “I’m Not A Hipster” Update Now Available

Just when you thought that Rockstar might be slowing down with new content updates for the highly-acclaimed Grand Theft Auto Online, the development team has revealed the latest update for the game titled “I’m Not a Hipster.” This new update will be free, and will feature over 100 minor fixes and changes to gameplay, as well as new “Hipster” themed content additions, such as new retro print trees, skinny jeans, hairstyles, tattoos, and animal masks (although I’m not too sure what animal masks has to do with being a hipster).

The new update isn’t all about cosmetic additions, though, as players will also see seven new vehicles added to Grand Theft Auto Online, including a Dubsta 6-seater and a micro smart car called a Panto (you know, for those environmentally conscious criminals). Ammu-Nation will also see an update which will include a Vintage Pistol and an Anitque Cavalry Dagger–both of which sound more like strictly display weapons you’d find on Pawn Stars rather than a true criminal’s weapon.

Players will also see the addition of 12 new jobs across many different game modes. Showcase the new wheels in new races, or show just how effortlessly cool you really are with your Vintage Pistol in a new Deathmatch in Puerta Del Sol.  Here is a full list of the job additions:

Airwaves (Rank 15, 1-8 Players)
Students of style know that what comes up must go down. Drop 4,370 feet while imagining you’re over all the bands you listen to on Radio Mirror Park, as you twist and turn sharply down to the pond below.

Beach Odyssey (Rank 15, 1-16 Players)
Nothing says artistic credibility like a grainy image of trash next to a burnt out RV, so get your butt off a nice beach, and go to a nasty one. This is a Point to Point Race for Sports Classics starting in Chumash, ending in Sandy Shore, mainly on-road with opportunities to hit top speed.

Before It Was Cool (Rank 15, 1-8 Players)
Any skinny jeans wearer will tell you, sometimes things just don’t fit. Try and squeeze up to eight compact cars around the tight corners of this lap Race in Mirror Park.

Caffeine Rush (Rank 1, 1-8 Players)
If your friends caught you drinking anything except a flat white at an independent coffee house it would be social suicide, but when you need java, you need java. This is a Point to Point Sedan Race from Del Perro to Mirror Park passing by four ‘Cool Beans’ coffee shops.

Contend: Condo-monium (Rank 1, 2-8 Players)
Make a statement about late capitalism or income equality or art or pointless statements or something by trashing condos in Puerto Del Sol. This is a Contend style Capture going for the last of the party supplies in the courtyard between two identical apartment blocks.

East Vinewood LTS (Rank 9, 2-16 Players)
They don’t know how it started, maybe two girls got the same tattoo, or reposted a Snapmatic without giving photo credit. What they do know is sides have been chosen and East Vinewood’s gone to hell in this two team Last Team Standing.

Embracing America (Rank 1, 1-8 Players)
All your friends are going East in search of the last un-gentrified patch of turf in the country, and you’re heading West. Load up a so-uncool-it’s-cool Sedan, and race toward Little Seoul. Lots of straights and a few tight turns at the end of this point to point track.

GTA: Grab a Cab (Rank 1, 2-8 Players)
After twelve hours ‘rolling’ at your local post-industrial techno-house night, your tattooed friends will be too wide-eyed to drive themselves. Pick up some taxis for them in this two team GTA-style Capture based around the Downtown Cab Co depot in East Vinewood.

Hip to be Cool (Rank 1, 1-8 Players)
Because driving around Rockford Hills in nice cars is too mainstream, and going through Vespucci Beach in low riders is kinda yesterday… This Compact class Race takes you back and forth over the Los Santos Freeway and in and out of the Casino parking lot.

Legion Square Survival (Rank 25, 1-4 Players)
Freedom of speech is dead as the cops crack down on Legion Square protesters. Battle the police on foot, in SUVs, and eventually in Buzzard helicopters. And remember that the real bad guys are the bankers looking down on the action from their office windows.

Puerta Del Sol (Rank 1, 2-8 Players)
Every artist wanted to die young, then they wanted to mock their predecessors with an ironic statement about dying young, now it’s a post-ironic statement and they might end up actually dying.

Trend Setting (Rank 1, 1-16 Players)
A Lap circuit Race with muscle cars around Mirror Park for simple people who want to seem complicated.

Some other notable changes include tear gas doing more damage and lasting longer, pure gold and brushed gold paint colors that unlock at Rank 100, and a new pure black window tint that has been added to LS Customs.

Rockstar Games’ post-launch content for Grand Theft Auto Online has been quite impressive, as the company has released numerous updates since the game’s launch in 2013. And, as you can see in the detailed changes above, these content updates aren’t just a few fixes here or there–they bring a substantial amount of new gameplay options to the wonderful world of GTA Online.

About Egon Kilin

I’m Load The Game’s co-founder and community manager, and whenever I’m not answering questions on social media platforms, I spend my time digging up the latest news and rumors and writing them up. That’s not to say I’m all work and no fun, not at all. If my spare time allows it, I like to engage in some good old fashioned online carnage. If it’s an MMO with swords and lots of PvP, I’m most likely in it. Oh, and if you’re looking to pick a fight in Tekken or Mortal Kombat, I’ll be more than happy to assist! Connect with me by email markjudge (@) only

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